Archives: Episode

Episode 80 – Bingbing Ge – An Entrepreneurship-as-practice perspective of next-generation becoming family businesses successors: the role of discursive artefacts

Family is the most important, yet under researched, dimension in family business research. Following recent calls in Entrepreneurship-as-Practice, we bring a practice-based approach to family business research to understand next generation engagement over extended periods in family life. Drawing on a culinary family business’s three published cookbooks, theorized as ‘discursive artefacts’, we examine how mundane…

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Episode 79 – Claudia Gomez – The distinct nature of U.S. based female immigrant entrepreneurs

Despite contributing to host country economies, there is limited examination of self-employed female immigrants in the literature. While human, social, and financial capital are important for entrepreneurship in general, given immigrant women’s intersectional identities, the potential exists for these factors to affect them differently. This study uses US data obtained from Integrated Public Use Microdata…

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Episode 78 – Sumaya Hashim – Women entrepreneurs in the Gulf States: Taking stock and moving forward

The Gulf States have dedicated much attention and many resources to entrepreneurship, particularly in supporting women entrepreneurship. These efforts are reflected in the increase in research focused on women entrepreneurs in the Gulf States. The vast majority of relevant studies have explored the reasons for the low engagement of women in the economic sphere. Recent…

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Episode 77 – Simon Stephens & Kristel Miller – Creating an entrepreneurial story in digital spaces: the journeys and experiences of social media entrepreneurs

The emergence of digital technologies is transforming entrepreneurial processes and outcomes. This creates a plethora of research questions at the intersection of digital technologies and entrepreneurship. A key question is if existing entrepreneurial models are applicable to understanding digital entrepreneurship. In this study we provide novel insights by exploring the following research question: How are…

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Episode 76 – Claire Doussard – Barefoot entrepreneurs trapped in liminal spaces: the case of homeless youths in New York City

The barefoot entrepreneurship literature rarely acknowledges the role of space in the development of informal economic activities. However, the concept of liminal space, defined as a place of transition and largely discussed in geography, can provide a new conceptual lens through which the trajectories of barefoot entrepreneurs can be viewed. This interdisciplinary research leverages this…

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Episode 75 – Yihan Wang – Causal Configurations of SME Strategic Renewal in Crisis: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) of Quebec Entrepreneurs amid COVID-19

In times of crisis, SME entrepreneurs refresh and replace corporate resources and capabilities in the strategic renewal processes to sustain organizational resilience. Appearing in the form of internal development and external sourcing, the strategic renewal outcomes are explained by the synergy of individual, organizational and environmental-level factors that build up SMEs’ dynamic capabilities. This research…

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Episode 74 – Theodor Vladasel – Family structure and entrepreneurship: Evidence from Swedish siblings

Family background matters for entrepreneurship, but why do siblings differ in their propensity to become entrepreneurs and the type of ventures they pursue? I draw on family socialization and resource allocation theories to develop hypotheses about the differential effects of family structure – comprising birth order, family size, and sibling gender – on (growth-oriented) entrepreneurship….

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Episode 73 – Julia Korosteleva – Sectoral digital capabilities and complementarities in shaping young firms’ growth: evidence from Europe

We explore how digitalization impacts young firms’ growth. A longitudinal panel analysis of the EU’s new ventures during 2010–2018 reveals that digital sectoral capabilities affect young firms’ growth autonomously and via interaction with other sectoral capabilities. Digital sectoral capabilities play an important complementary role in facilitating the upscaling of young firms operating in R&D-intensive contexts…

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Episode 72 – Ana Maria Bojica – Framing conflicting demands and strategies for managing hybridity in social enterprises

Research has shown that social enterprises must constantly balance conflicting demands between their social and economic goals. However, little is known about the factors that shape managers’ strategic choices in response to the tensions associated with social enterprises’ hybrid nature. To address this issue, we conducted a case study analysis of six work integration social…

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Episode 71 – Björn Vollan – The ‘Fetters of the Sib’ in an uncertain business environment – an experimental study in Burkina Faso

We conducted a field experiment in Burkina Faso to investigate the impact of informal sharing obligations within kin networks on entrepreneurial effort. Tailors were incentivized to produce bags and our treatment intervention was to subtly inform tailors’ families about this income opportunity. We expected that informing the family should lead to an average decrease in…

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