Archives: Episode

Episode 48 – Erik Melin – The moral of the story: ‘populism’ and ‘activism’ in entrepreneurship

This paper engages with the concepts of ‘populism’ and ‘activism’ in entrepreneurial storytelling in order to explain how entrepreneurship may be both an individual and a collective endeavour.

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Episode 47 – Daniel Mahn – Contextualizing the knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship: the Chilean paradox

This research uses hierarchical linear modelling to test the KSTE in a developing-country context. By trying this theory on a different setting as is usually studied, we attempt to identify boundary conditions, expanding this theory’s understanding. Results show the low effectiveness of this theory in a developing economy, suggesting that additional dimensions are needed to…

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Episode 46 – Monica C. Lent – Entrepreneuring in necessity contexts: effecting change among widow entrepreneurs in Northern Ghana

This article explores if and how the entrepreneuring efforts of an endogenous NGO can entrepreneurially empower widow necessity entrepreneurs living in extreme poverty in a rural area of Northern Ghana. In reconceptualizing necessity entrepreneurship as engagement in necessity contexts, three main context specific actions and processes were foregrounded: values-based action focus, upskilling by boundaried choice;…

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Episode 45 – Claire Champenois & Sarah Jack – A non-workshop on a socialized view of entrepreneurship: building and extending a community of practice for work on embeddedness

This article, in an act of transmutation or world-making, replaces a workshop that was envisioned between one of the authors and Alistair Anderson. It takes the form of a dialog with one of his main co-authors to retrospectively and analytically explore the collective work of Alistair on ‘embeddedness’.

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Episode 44 – Carmelita Euline Ginting-Carlström – A discourse of virtue: how poor women entrepreneurs justify their activities in the context of moderate Islam

Entrepreneurship has been both celebrated and critiqued in terms of its ability to assist women in developing countries to overcome the constraints of patriarchy, with recent views acknowledging its potential for incremental, dialectical change. This is particularly true for women entrepreneurs in contexts where Islamic gender relations are practiced, which can pose certain limits to…

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Episode 43 – Steffen Korsgaard & Caroline Wigren-Kristoferson – Entrepreneurship and embeddedness: process, context and theoretical foundations

In this article, we introduce the special issue on entrepreneurship and embeddedness. We do so by providing a brief overview of existing research on the topic focused on three important conversations related to process, context and theoretical foundations.

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Editors – E9 – Dilani Jayawarna – Associate-Editor

I am a Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Liverpool Management School (ULMS). Externally, I am a Consulting Editor for the International Small Business Journal(ISBJ), a Co-Editor for the journal, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development (ERD), ESRC Peer Review Committee Member, External Examiner for the Doctoral Programme at Lancaster University Management School and a Visiting…

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Episode 42 – Michela Loi – Rethinking and reconceptualising entrepreneurship education a legacy from Alistair Anderson

This paper aims to extend the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurship education by integrating several of the most relevant lessons from Anderson’s contribution into current conceptualizations. We identify three main dimensions of Anderson’s work useful for our purpose: conceptualization of entrepreneurship; network and social capital as mechanisms to explain entrepreneurship as a socially embedded phenomenon; and…

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Episode 41 – Lisa Braito – Chinese migrant microenterprises and social capital: a multiple case study analysis in industrial clusters in Italy

Migrant entrepreneurship has been acknowledged in the literature to be a dynamic and diffused phenomenon that characterizes local systems within European countries in the form of ethnic economies. The aim of the paper is to investigate the phenomenon of ethnic quasi-enclave industrial sub-clusters within industrial districts and to analyse social capital within the economic and…

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Episode 40 – João Candeias – Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and distinguishing features of effective policies – an evidence-based approach

A generalized belief in entrepreneurship as a source of economic growth ensures sustained interest in the entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) concept, capturing the attention of governments and regional authorities. This has generated a plethora of public policies aimed at creating and developing EEs, frequently without solid theoretical and empirical foundations for its design, with consequent policies…

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