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Episode 106 – Kim Klyver – Preparedness shapes tomorrow: crisis preparedness and strategies among SMEs amid external crises

Prior research on crisis management focuses on crisis strategies used by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), predominately without considering their initial state of preparedness – how these SMEs stepped...

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Episode 105 – Cristina Bettinelli – Shaping entrepreneurship in developing countries: the role of savings and credit groups

In this study, we analyse savings and credit groups (SCGs) to investigate whether belonging to these groups contributes favourably to entrepreneurship. SCGs are community-based groups that represent a form...

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Episode 104 – Annalisa Sentuti – The ‘exodus’ from family businesses. How non-successor daughters form their entrepreneurial identity in the business families context

Research suggests that business families may favour family members’ ability to act entrepreneurially and convey an entrepreneurial legacy to successors to ensure the continuity of family businesses. Nonetheless, families’...

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Episode 103 – Chihmao Hsieh – Curiosity and curious search in Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship research rarely explores and explains how people approach ambiguity differently as they combine knowledge during the entrepreneurial journey. In this paper we introduce curiosity as a source of...

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Editors – E11 – Dimo Dimov – Associate Editor

My research focuses on enabling, accelerating, and funding the entrepreneurial journey, from initial idea to viable venture, in independent, corporate, and social settings. An evolving entrepreneurial opportunity is central...

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Episode 102 – Dimo Dimov – Capitalizing the future: opportunity capital as symbolic significance of an entrepreneur’s future-venture story

This paper explores how a future – as something that can only be imagined but can inspire entrepreneurial action – can attract economic capital. We integrate Dor’s (2015) model...

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Episode 101 – Patrick Gregori – Entrepreneuring as provocation and its critical capacity: problematizing and establishing meanings of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is an elusive phenomenon and its meaning has been vigorously debated. This study seeks to contribute to critical perspectives on entrepreneurship by investigating how entrepreneuring participates and intervenes...

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Editors – E10 – Mark Freel – Associate Editor

Mark Freel is the Royal Bank of Canada Professor for the Commercialisation of Innovations at the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa. He also holds an appointment as...

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Episode 100 – Shireen Kanji – Gendered transitions to self-employment and business ownership: a linked-lives perspective

We apply the sociological lens of linked lives to show how household contexts channel transitions to self-employment in ways strongly differentiated by gender. We investigate the impact of demographic...

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Episode 99 – Ali Ghods – Exploring social cognition in an international context: insights from the social representations perspective on legitimacy among French entrepreneurs

In the field of international entrepreneurship, there are increasing calls for the study of cognition in its social context. In this regard, this article draws on social representations theory...

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Episode 98 – Endrit Kromidha – The influence of politics on the governance of an entrepreneurial ecosystem in a developing country: a generative institutional discourse approach

Entrepreneurship is often about the individual drive for innovation and the exploitation of opportunities; however, in an increasingly connected world, entrepreneurial ecosystems have gained considerable research interest. In many...

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Episode 97 – Andreas Giazitzoglu – Business in the backwaters: how ‘distance from the core’ impacts entrepreneurs’ lived experiences

Using a phenomenological approach, we analyse the voices of entrepreneurs living in the peripheral ecosystems of Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK), Palermo (Italy) and Perth (Australia). These ecosystems are defined...

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Episode 96 – Luca Castellanza – Types, determinants, and outcomes of entrepreneurial behaviours during crises

Entrepreneurs usually have several means at their disposal to deal with and overcome adverse circumstances, ranging from simple non-resourceful coping strategies to more elaborate resourceful behaviours. However, entrepreneurs who...

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Episode 95 – Isabel Diez-Vial & Jose Antonio Belso-Martinez – Regional emergency networks: how organizations shape technological collaborations under extreme conditions

The aim of this research is to undertake explorative research and present propositions that would identify the drivers of regional emergency networks, i.e. regional technological collaborative agreements under extreme...

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Episode 94 – Friedemann Polzin – Follow the money: funding acquisition processes of nascent ventures

Answering the call for more process-oriented research into the inception and development of companies, this paper analyses the funding acquisition process of nascent ventures. Based on optimal matching techniques...

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Episode 93 – Hilary Downey & Caren Crowley – Authenticity and craft entrepreneurship: the interplay of passion and place

Craft-based ventures draw on associations with tradition, place and quality to differentiate their products from mass-produced counterparts. However, ‘place’ in the context of craft entrepreneurship is both underexamined and...

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Episode 92 – Mir Shahid Satar – Inspiring role model and compassion in nascent social entrepreneurs: does education matter?

The study examines the influence of inspiring role model (IRM), social entrepreneurship (SE) compassion, and the SE education and their interactions and consequences for nascent SE behaviour. Utilizing a...

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Episode 91 – Pablo Muñoz – Human-animal mutualism in regenerative entrepreneurship

In this paper, we explore the micro-interactions through which a regenerative enterprise engages with proximate natural ecosystems in its attempt to repair and protect them. Through an ethnographic study...

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Episode 90 – Alexandra Gaidos – Exploring the impact of regional characteristics on social incubators’ mission, structure and activity: a contingency perspective

Studies of social incubators illustrate the importance of these organizations in promoting social innovations and entrepreneurship at regional level. However, little is known about the main categories of contingency...

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Episode 89 – Francisco Liñan – Gender and sex in starting up: a social stereotype approach

This article analyses the influence of gender stereotypes in entrepreneurship by jointly studying the effect of gender-role orientation (GRO) and sex (women vs. men) on the entrepreneurial intentions (EI)...

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Episode 88 – Deema Refai – John Lever – Radi Haloub – Entrepreneurship in constrained immigration contexts – the liminal integration of Syrian refugees

Drawing on a qualitative study of Syrian refugees in constrained immigration contexts in the North of England, this article explores refugees’ perceptions of integration and social exclusion through entrepreneurship....

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Episode 87 – Josefina Jonsson – Exploring the social and spatial role of social media for community entrepreneurship

This study explores the dynamics of online community entrepreneurship, using a rural grocery store as a case study. I examine the role of social media in community entrepreneurship, revealing...

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Episode 86 – Richard Harrison – Margins of intervention? Gender, Bourdieu and women’s regional entrepreneurial networks

n this paper, we apply a feminist interpretation and an extension of Bourdieu’s theory of practice to explore the gap in our understanding between gender gap issues – the...

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Episode 85 – Bruce Hearn – Private equity and entrepreneurial investments: understanding the determinants of founder-CEO succession in the Caribbean

Our study develops a contextually embedded institution-theoretic model of the major influences precipitating entrepreneurial founders’ leadership succession. Drawing on a unique sample of 184 listed firms from 10 national...

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Episode 84 – Vivien Lefebvre – Employment growth and profitability in European SMEs: the 100% speed limit

We investigated the relationship between employment growth and profitability and propose that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) hire employees, they experience an increase in profitability due to their acquisition...

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Episode 83 – Catherine Brentnall – Homogenization processes in entrepreneurship education: the case of Junior Achievement

Entrepreneurship Education (EE) programmes world-wide serve a highly standardized menu of activities for student consumption, such as pitching exercises, competitions and mini-companies. This situation has been called the McDonaldization...

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Episode 82 – Ratan J. S. Dheer – Cultural diversity: an impetus to economic growth – under what conditions?

Realizing cultural diversity’s impact on regional entrepreneurial activity has become crucial for scholars and policymakers. As a step in this direction, this study integrates insights from creative cognitive psychology...

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Episode 81 – Farsan Madjdi – Entrepreneurial opportunities as expressions of personal identities: interpretative engagement through personal value structures

Entrepreneurial identities have a significant influence on new venture emergence. Yet, an entrepreneur’s (meaning-constructing) interpretive engagement with situations such as entrepreneurial opportunities remain relatively unexplained. This paper explores how...

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Episode 80 – Bingbing Ge – An Entrepreneurship-as-practice perspective of next-generation becoming family businesses successors: the role of discursive artefacts

Family is the most important, yet under researched, dimension in family business research. Following recent calls in Entrepreneurship-as-Practice, we bring a practice-based approach to family business research to understand...

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Episode 79 – Claudia Gomez – The distinct nature of U.S. based female immigrant entrepreneurs

Despite contributing to host country economies, there is limited examination of self-employed female immigrants in the literature. While human, social, and financial capital are important for entrepreneurship in general,...

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Episode 78 – Sumaya Hashim – Women entrepreneurs in the Gulf States: Taking stock and moving forward

The Gulf States have dedicated much attention and many resources to entrepreneurship, particularly in supporting women entrepreneurship. These efforts are reflected in the increase in research focused on women...

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Episode 77 – Simon Stephens & Kristel Miller – Creating an entrepreneurial story in digital spaces: the journeys and experiences of social media entrepreneurs

The emergence of digital technologies is transforming entrepreneurial processes and outcomes. This creates a plethora of research questions at the intersection of digital technologies and entrepreneurship. A key question...

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Episode 76 – Claire Doussard – Barefoot entrepreneurs trapped in liminal spaces: the case of homeless youths in New York City

The barefoot entrepreneurship literature rarely acknowledges the role of space in the development of informal economic activities. However, the concept of liminal space, defined as a place of transition...

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Episode 75 – Yihan Wang – Causal Configurations of SME Strategic Renewal in Crisis: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) of Quebec Entrepreneurs amid COVID-19

In times of crisis, SME entrepreneurs refresh and replace corporate resources and capabilities in the strategic renewal processes to sustain organizational resilience. Appearing in the form of internal development...

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Episode 74 – Theodor Vladasel – Family structure and entrepreneurship: Evidence from Swedish siblings

Family background matters for entrepreneurship, but why do siblings differ in their propensity to become entrepreneurs and the type of ventures they pursue? I draw on family socialization and...

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Episode 73 – Julia Korosteleva – Sectoral digital capabilities and complementarities in shaping young firms’ growth: evidence from Europe

We explore how digitalization impacts young firms’ growth. A longitudinal panel analysis of the EU’s new ventures during 2010–2018 reveals that digital sectoral capabilities affect young firms’ growth autonomously...

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