entrepreneurship & regional development

Authors – E4 – Aki Harima – The injection of resources by transnational entrepreneurs: towards a model of the early evolution of an entrepreneurial ecosystem

Despite its rapid proliferation, the extant literature on entrepreneurial ecosystems has not paid sufficient attention to the evolutionary nature of entrepreneurial ecosystems, mainly on account of the prevailing structuralist approaches in previous research.

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Authors – E3 – Allan O’Connor – Time and the dynamics of entrepreneurial ecosystems

In this article, we are primarily concerned with the influence and role of time on an entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE). Hence, the dynamics incorporated into the conception of the EE comes into focus.

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Authors – E2 – Steffen Korsgaard – It’s right nearby: how entrepreneurs use spatial bricolage to overcome resource constraints

ABSTRACT The mobilization of resources is an essential challenge for entrepreneurs. Existing research suggests that access to standard and high-quality resources is an important condition for entrepreneurial success, yet such resources are often out of reach for entrepreneurs. In this study, we explore entrepreneurial resource mobilization in resource-constrained peripheral locations.

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Editors – E1 – Miruna Radu-Lefebvre – Editor

Editor of Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, Miruna Radu-Lefebvre is Full Professor of Entrepreneurship at Audencia Business School, France.

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