entrepreneurship & regional development

Editors – E8 – Wadid Lamine – Associate-Editor

Dr. Wadid Lamine is an associate professor of entrepreneurship at the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa. His research interests include technology entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial networks and incubation support mechanisms.

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Authors – E25 – Gagan Deep Sharma – Neuroentrepreneurship: an integrative review and research agenda

There is emergent literature that converges from neuroscience and entrepreneurship research, but the definitions and interlinkages are still inconsistent. We conduct a systematic literature review of 167 papers on the interface between neuroscience and entrepreneurship to address this. We observe the literature trends examining the interlinkages between neuroscience and entrepreneurial intention through six antecedents, namely…

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Authors – E24 – Christina Öberg – The matter of locality: family firms in sparsely populated regions

This paper explores the interaction and interdependence between family firms and sparsely populated regions. Interactivity underlines the dynamics of the setting and how it changes based on activities between the firm and the context, whereas interdependence refers to how the family firm and the region become mutually reliant on one another.

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Editors – E7 – Allan Discua Cruz – Associate-Editor

Dr. Allan Discua Cruz  is the director of the Centre for Family Business at Lancaster University Management School. His current research interests relate to entrepreneurship by families in business.

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Authors – E22 – Rodrigo Basco – Family firms in European regions: the role of regional institutions

Our study investigates whether the quality of regional institutions influences firms’ likelihood of being a family firm. We explore our conjecture using the EU-EFIGE/Bruegel-UniCredit dataset, which provides comparable cross-country data on manufacturing firms in seven European countries.

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Authors – E21 – Sheila K. Hanson – The balance that sustains benedictines: family entrepreneurship across generations

The heart of family business and family entrepreneurship is the family. Challenging our current understanding of what constitutes a family is important to advance the emerging field of family entrepreneurship. In this conceptual paper, we expand previous research focus with a transactional approach to family and explore family entrepreneurship across generations using the context of…

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Authors – E19 – Sue Kilpatrick – Social enterprises and regional cities: working together for mutual benefit

Social enterprises respond to local needs through an integrated economic and social model. It is known that social enterprises facilitate outcomes for their participants; less is known about how social enterprises contribute to outcomes for others in their locale. Activity within social enterprises was observed and interviews conducted with participants, staff, customers and leaders in…

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Authors – E14 – Mariana Estrada-Robles – Structural coupling in entrepreneurial families: how business-related resources contribute to enterpriseness

This paper examines how family members support each other’s entrepreneurial activities through sharing resources created at the business-level. Drawing on the concept of ‘enterpriseness’ the study examines the flows between a family and the business and how it influences the impacts of the businesses on the family (enterpriseness).

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