women entrepreneurs

Episode 104 – Annalisa Sentuti – The ‘exodus’ from family businesses. How non-successor daughters form their entrepreneurial identity in the business families context

Research suggests that business families may favour family members’ ability to act entrepreneurially and convey an entrepreneurial legacy to successors to ensure the continuity of family businesses. Nonetheless, families’ entrepreneurial imprinting can extend beyond successors, as non-successors can also pursue an entrepreneurial path. Little is known, however, about non-successor daughters’ entrepreneurial experiences outside of family…

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Episode 44 – Carmelita Euline Ginting-Carlström – A discourse of virtue: how poor women entrepreneurs justify their activities in the context of moderate Islam

Entrepreneurship has been both celebrated and critiqued in terms of its ability to assist women in developing countries to overcome the constraints of patriarchy, with recent views acknowledging its potential for incremental, dialectical change. This is particularly true for women entrepreneurs in contexts where Islamic gender relations are practiced, which can pose certain limits to…

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