Episode 106 – Kim Klyver – Preparedness shapes tomorrow: crisis preparedness and strategies among SMEs amid external crises

Prior research on crisis management focuses on crisis strategies used by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), predominately without considering their initial state of preparedness – how these SMEs stepped into the crisis in the first place. This study examines the effects of financial, organizational and cultural crisis preparedness on the strategic choices SMEs make during…

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Episode 84 – Vivien Lefebvre – Employment growth and profitability in European SMEs: the 100% speed limit

We investigated the relationship between employment growth and profitability and propose that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) hire employees, they experience an increase in profitability due to their acquisition of additional human capital. These benefits, however, are limited by the firm’s ability to efficiently integrate the newly recruited employees and adjust its internal managerial practices…

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