identity work

Episode 104 – Annalisa Sentuti – The ‘exodus’ from family businesses. How non-successor daughters form their entrepreneurial identity in the business families context

Research suggests that business families may favour family members’ ability to act entrepreneurially and convey an entrepreneurial legacy to successors to ensure the continuity of family businesses. Nonetheless, families’ entrepreneurial imprinting can extend beyond successors, as non-successors can also pursue an entrepreneurial path. Little is known, however, about non-successor daughters’ entrepreneurial experiences outside of family…

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Episode 68 – Giulia Giunti – Academic entrepreneurship: work identity in contexts

Through the qualitative analysis of 81 semi-structured interviews of academics from the STEM fields, working in UK, Australia, and Italy, we support and challenge the previous literature on academic entrepreneurship.

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Episode 62 – Maud van Merriënboer, Michiel Verver & Wouter Stam – Escaping the shadow of the past: historical context and generational identity work among young entrepreneurs in Phnom Penh’s nascent start-up scene

Identity work, the process through which entrepreneurs create a coherent and distinctive identity for themselves and their businesses, constitutes an important source of legitimacy. Yet while the ongoing social and spatial contexts in which entrepreneurs operate are increasingly viewed as critical contingencies for understanding their identity work, historical context is largely neglected.

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