family entrepreneurship

Episode 104 – Annalisa Sentuti – The ‘exodus’ from family businesses. How non-successor daughters form their entrepreneurial identity in the business families context

Research suggests that business families may favour family members’ ability to act entrepreneurially and convey an entrepreneurial legacy to successors to ensure the continuity of family businesses. Nonetheless, families’ entrepreneurial imprinting can extend beyond successors, as non-successors can also pursue an entrepreneurial path. Little is known, however, about non-successor daughters’ entrepreneurial experiences outside of family…

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Authors – E21 – Sheila K. Hanson – The balance that sustains benedictines: family entrepreneurship across generations

The heart of family business and family entrepreneurship is the family. Challenging our current understanding of what constitutes a family is important to advance the emerging field of family entrepreneurship. In this conceptual paper, we expand previous research focus with a transactional approach to family and explore family entrepreneurship across generations using the context of…

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Authors – E14 – Mariana Estrada-Robles – Structural coupling in entrepreneurial families: how business-related resources contribute to enterpriseness

This paper examines how family members support each other’s entrepreneurial activities through sharing resources created at the business-level. Drawing on the concept of ‘enterpriseness’ the study examines the flows between a family and the business and how it influences the impacts of the businesses on the family (enterpriseness).

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Authors – E13 – Allan Discua Cruz – Understanding entrepreneurial opportunities through metaphors: a narrative approach to theorizing family entrepreneurship

The concept of opportunity is central to entrepreneurship theory. This article contributes to theorizing family entrepreneurship across generations by examining how entrepreneurial opportunities are constructed, communicated, and acted upon at the intersection between family and business.

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