
Episode 120 – Kathleen Burke – Neruda through copper-coloured glasses: the role of place attachment in the embeddedness of Chilean entrepreneurship

Despite scholarly interest in how emotional and instrumental place attachments motivate entrepreneurship, the influences on embeddedness remain underexplored. Building on the notion that entrepreneurship becomes embedded in a locality, we argue that this process is packed with place-based interpretations of the material and imagined reality. Engaging with the empirical setting of Chile, the world’s largest…

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Episode 116 – Riccardo Nucci – Influenced by the lives of others: narratives of role modelling throughout the start-up process

This study uses a narrative approach to explore how role modelling unfolds throughout the start-up process. Drawing on the experiences of 25 nascent and novice entrepreneurs, we illustrate how attributes of role models, role modelling outcomes, and related mechanisms change for entrepreneurs over time. Our emerging theoretical model highlights three distinctive role modelling narratives: ‘Taking…

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Episode 114 – George Redhead – Is home where the heart is? Investigating the relationship between hometown and entrepreneurship

The importance of home and hometown for entrepreneurs has significant implications for entrepreneurial identities, venture success, and broader contextual dynamics. Traditionally, the concept of home in entrepreneurship literature is viewed instrumentally, largely focusing on the unit of dwelling (i.e. premises/house/apartment), the implications of location choices, and their effects on performance. We employ a mobilities lens,…

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Episode 112 – Margot Leger – The role and effectiveness of non-formal training programmes for entrepreneurship in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic literature review

ntrepreneurship is growing in popularity as a tool to combat the challenges of unemployment and economic development in sub-Saharan Africa. A host of training programme offerings have emerged to mitigate the challenges of starting and sustaining a business in this context. Non-formal trainings (educational activities outside formal places of learning such as universities or schools)…

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Episode 111 – Tobi Rodrigue & Kerstin Kuyken – Revealing the research potential for the field of cross-cultural entrepreneurship: lessons from an integrative literature review

Culture plays an important role for the study of entrepreneurship. However, whereas cross-cultural research in management (CCM) has strongly evolved in the last three decades and identified different paradigms, paradigmatically diversified research is still lacking in cross-cultural entrepreneurship. To fill this gap, this study suggests an integrative literature review with two objectives: 1) provide an…

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Episode 109 – Elliroma Gardiner – Exploring the impact of entrepreneurship on physical and psychological health in the context of active ageing: a systematic review

Positioned within the context of active ageing, this research investigates the relationship between entrepreneurship and physical and psychological health, and examines whether health outcomes for entrepreneurs vary across different contextual dimensions. To achieve this, a systematic review was conducted including 78 empirical papers from 1993 to 2023 investigating the relationship between entrepreneurship and physical and…

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Episode 105 – Cristina Bettinelli – Shaping entrepreneurship in developing countries: the role of savings and credit groups

In this study, we analyse savings and credit groups (SCGs) to investigate whether belonging to these groups contributes favourably to entrepreneurship. SCGs are community-based groups that represent a form of informal finance in developing countries. For the analysis, we adopt the social embeddedness theory, and test our hypotheses on a unique sample of respondents to…

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Episode 97 – Andreas Giazitzoglu – Business in the backwaters: how ‘distance from the core’ impacts entrepreneurs’ lived experiences

Using a phenomenological approach, we analyse the voices of entrepreneurs living in the peripheral ecosystems of Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK), Palermo (Italy) and Perth (Australia). These ecosystems are defined by the considerable physical distance between their geographical location and the location of a larger, more established ‘core’ ecosystem in their nation. The purpose of our…

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Episode 96 – Luca Castellanza – Types, determinants, and outcomes of entrepreneurial behaviours during crises

Entrepreneurs usually have several means at their disposal to deal with and overcome adverse circumstances, ranging from simple non-resourceful coping strategies to more elaborate resourceful behaviours. However, entrepreneurs who find themselves in conditions of prolonged adversity and disadvantage have few effective possibilities to withstand sudden adversity such as crises and income shocks. Based on these…

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Episode 89 – Francisco Liñan – Gender and sex in starting up: a social stereotype approach

This article analyses the influence of gender stereotypes in entrepreneurship by jointly studying the effect of gender-role orientation (GRO) and sex (women vs. men) on the entrepreneurial intentions (EI) and actions of individuals. Entrepreneurship is associated with the typical male stereotype in most societies, leading to a lower rate of women entrepreneurs. Our model builds…

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