
Episode 115 – Hélène Picard – Stuck in the playground: a (failed) organizational entrepreneuring process

Collaborative spaces such as fab labs, incubators, and coworking spaces have become a worldwide phenomenon based on their promise of fostering creativity and entrepreneurship. Mature, large organizations have also tried to benefit from this by creating such spaces in-house. This paper studies a failed attempt to create one such space in a large bureaucratic organization….

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Episode 101 – Patrick Gregori – Entrepreneuring as provocation and its critical capacity: problematizing and establishing meanings of entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is an elusive phenomenon and its meaning has been vigorously debated. This study seeks to contribute to critical perspectives on entrepreneurship by investigating how entrepreneuring participates and intervenes in the dominant discourse, and thus, in the practices that constitute meaning. To explore this crucial question, I use the framework of entrepreneuring as a mode…

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Episode 46 – Monica C. Lent – Entrepreneuring in necessity contexts: effecting change among widow entrepreneurs in Northern Ghana

This article explores if and how the entrepreneuring efforts of an endogenous NGO can entrepreneurially empower widow necessity entrepreneurs living in extreme poverty in a rural area of Northern Ghana. In reconceptualizing necessity entrepreneurship as engagement in necessity contexts, three main context specific actions and processes were foregrounded: values-based action focus, upskilling by boundaried choice;…

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Episode 45 – Claire Champenois & Sarah Jack – A non-workshop on a socialized view of entrepreneurship: building and extending a community of practice for work on embeddedness

This article, in an act of transmutation or world-making, replaces a workshop that was envisioned between one of the authors and Alistair Anderson. It takes the form of a dialog with one of his main co-authors to retrospectively and analytically explore the collective work of Alistair on ‘embeddedness’.

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Episode 39 – Allan Discua Cruz – Death and entrepreneuring in family businesses: a complexity and stewardship perspective

Based on the works of Alistair Anderson, this article explores entrepreneuring in the context of entrepreneurial families prior to, and following, the death of a leading family member in business. Until now, literature has suggested that the loss of a leading family member may bring complexity and chaos to ongoing entrepreneurial efforts.

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