Episode 106 – Kim Klyver – Preparedness shapes tomorrow: crisis preparedness and strategies among SMEs amid external crises

Prior research on crisis management focuses on crisis strategies used by small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), predominately without considering their initial state of preparedness – how these SMEs stepped into the crisis in the first place. This study examines the effects of financial, organizational and cultural crisis preparedness on the strategic choices SMEs make during…

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Episode 96 – Luca Castellanza – Types, determinants, and outcomes of entrepreneurial behaviours during crises

Entrepreneurs usually have several means at their disposal to deal with and overcome adverse circumstances, ranging from simple non-resourceful coping strategies to more elaborate resourceful behaviours. However, entrepreneurs who find themselves in conditions of prolonged adversity and disadvantage have few effective possibilities to withstand sudden adversity such as crises and income shocks. Based on these…

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Episode 75 – Yihan Wang – Causal Configurations of SME Strategic Renewal in Crisis: Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) of Quebec Entrepreneurs amid COVID-19

In times of crisis, SME entrepreneurs refresh and replace corporate resources and capabilities in the strategic renewal processes to sustain organizational resilience. Appearing in the form of internal development and external sourcing, the strategic renewal outcomes are explained by the synergy of individual, organizational and environmental-level factors that build up SMEs’ dynamic capabilities. This research…

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Episode 69 – Caroline Stiel – German financial state aid during Covid-19 pandemic: Higher impact among digitalized self-employed

In response to strong revenue and income losses facing a large share of self-employed individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic, the German federal government introduced a €50bn emergency-aid program. Based on real-time online-survey data comprising more than 20,000 observations, we analyze the impact of this program on the confidence to survive the crisis. We investigate how…

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