
Episode 84 – Vivien Lefebvre – Employment growth and profitability in European SMEs: the 100% speed limit

We investigated the relationship between employment growth and profitability and propose that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) hire employees, they experience an increase in profitability due to their acquisition of additional human capital. These benefits, however, are limited by the firm’s ability to efficiently integrate the newly recruited employees and adjust its internal managerial practices…

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Authors – E14 – Mariana Estrada-Robles – Structural coupling in entrepreneurial families: how business-related resources contribute to enterpriseness

This paper examines how family members support each other’s entrepreneurial activities through sharing resources created at the business-level. Drawing on the concept of ‘enterpriseness’ the study examines the flows between a family and the business and how it influences the impacts of the businesses on the family (enterpriseness).

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