
Hosted ByEditorial Board

This show is an open window on how to build a contribution for Entrepreneurship & Regional Development - an International Journal. Each editor will give tips to reach your objective.

Editors – E8 – Wadid Lamine – Associate-Editor

Dr. Wadid Lamine is an associate professor of entrepreneurship at the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa. His research interests include technology entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial networks and incubation support mechanisms. He is recipient of the French National Foundation of Education in Management (FNEGE) award and the French Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association (AEI) award for his research. Dr. Lamine has co-authored two scholarly titled ‘Entrepreneurial Process and Social Network: A Dynamic Perspective’ (Edward Elgar) and ‘Technology Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation’ (Imperial College Press). He has published several book chapters and research articles in leading academic journals such as Small Business Economics, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Technovation, Journal of Technology Transfer, Industrial Marketing Management, Management International, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Thunderbird International Business Review and the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Source & Full profile of Dr. Wadid Lamine on Telfer School of Management website: https://telfer.uottawa.ca/en/directory/wadid-mohamed-lamine/